Saturday 14 August 2010

Day 128

Day 128.Thurs 5th August.
Weight loss secrets revealed.

Dawn broke dark and gloomy but blissfully cool.
A day in the wang protecting Molls from the thunder and lightning (she is such a chicken) watching films and sustaining our weary and weakened bodies with trays of cakes from the local pastillieri. Camping in tents is miserable in the rain and for once I was almost glad of the wang! If no one sees you eat em.
You aint ever had em!


  1. very funny! very good - now you see them now you don't!

    Our summer seems to have disappeared now, after weeks of hot hot weather and our gardens being all parched, we've wished it away all too soon. Its grey most days....:(

  2. Poor old Molly! Cakes for the humans-where are the bones for the canines!

    I can back up Fi's comments - we did have a summer! Truly we did! It just seems a bit of a memory now!

    And we don't have plates of delectable italian cakes to keep us going!

    Still, there are some pleasures in life! Space, a washing machine, a sofa that is not also a bed, little things!!
