Thursday 24 June 2010

Day 73

Day 73.Fri 11th June.
On the menu

Joy of joys the site has a proper washing machine (ah the simple pleasures). Drape the wang in clean washing and swim and bath and read.
M&S are in a small harbour just west and we meet up for pot luck supper and to say hello to their newly arrived son Sam. He was a schoolboy last time we saw him and I find myself saying, “I would never have recognized you” with a sinking feeling I now realise I am officially O L D.
During dinner on deck Mozzies arrived in force, not for the first time this trip, we were on the menu that night.

A fine pair of moobs (man boobs)
Propper Tasty.
How do you do


  1. Look at my gal -saying good bye to her daddies before launching herself into the sea for a homeward swim to find her Hilary!



  2. ahh Hilary is missing her girl!

    boys you are looking GOOD!

    can't believe our relaxed you look!

    I'm a favourite with mosis too when I'm abroad, but couldn't understand why I always got bit, and ben didn't.

    I'm sure you've heard them all about how to avoid them, but this is what I found helpful.

    Those of us that get bit and the ones these frightful bugs love, are those that don't take enough vitamins or food with B6 in them, hence those that love their marmite, don't get as badly bit as those that hate the stuff!

    So, before I go on holiday, and of course during, I take an extra strength B6 vitamin, and an antihistamine tablet so if and when I get bit, the bites don't come up as badly and as big as balloons as they would do if I didn't.

    It works for moi!


  3. p.s. I bet Lin would know what bra size you are Rob and will be advising that you need to get some couriered over from Rigby and Pellar.

    Miranda and I went with Lin on one of her trips to ladies day at Epsom, we had a real fab day, glorious sunshine, fab hats of course, and a really really great site right next to the course. The food that Lin and Chris did was wonderful so felt very chilled ans well looked after!

    We are having a heatwave here which is typical with you not being here to enjoy it, but bugger me working in it is not fun, so think on that and think of us whilst you're diving off into that sea of yours!

