Friday 25 June 2010

Day 75

Day 75.Sun 13th June.
Heaven and Hell.

A glorious early morning start for our drive to Messina. The autostrada, like many in Sicilia, is lined with trees and flowering shrubs. Found our way directly to the ferry terminal (no satnav detours) and within moments of buying our tickets drove onto the ferry and sailed away. The gods of travellers were smiling on us that morning.
(note the “morning” part).
Our onward destination was Capo Vaticano and one of the best stretches of coastline in Italy.
The autostrada is a long slow climb out of Reggio. Combinations of gradient, heat (40 degree) and contra flow (nowhere to stop) resulted in an overheated engine and speeds down to 10k per hour plus high anxiety.
We reached the top of the climb in the nick of time and the engine had a chance to cool on the downhill leg.
After 2 hours we made it to the steep B road to Tropea. It was finally too much for the car and steam bellowed up from under the bonnet. After an hour’s roadside wait and slow refill of the radiator, we were off again. Making slow but steady progress until the road ahead was closed due to a landslide.
The detour was up a goat track, steep, sharp and never intend for a car and wang. Onward we pressed but with the warning lights on stop had no choice but pull over on the narrow road and wait till the engine cooled. Half an hour wait and drive 1K before it happed again, and again, and again, slow, scary progress. Italian drivers never expect anything round the next bend and several almost left the road getting round us.
With the summit in sight (5 Meters ahead) the radiator blew again. This time we were slewed across the road but had nowhere else to go. After an hour we set off on the steep, narrow and hairpin strewn decent.
Finally another tight, steep decent to the campsite and my nerves were shot for good.
Breathing a sigh of relief we checked in, but our relief was short lived when the car refused to start. Blocking the site entrance we attracted a crown and had multilingual advice from everyone.
Unexpectedly the car started again. We quickly got into a shaded space where the car packed up again. One hour later a drunken scruff from the breakdown service turned up, told us we could not be recovered and went home.After all the faffing we finally got to walk our long-suffering mutt on the beach, which was beautiful.



1 comment:

  1. Ah at least you found a bit of a heaven.

    That poor car of yours I'm surprised its lasted as long as it has!!!

