Tuesday 29 June 2010

Day 86.

Day 86. Thurs 24th June.

A highly productive day at the wang. At last I get the blog right up to date. It means a rather indigestible lump of new postings to wade through. I feel a weight has been lifted from my shoulders.
Resolve to keep up to date on a more regular basis. Lets see how I do, shall we?
Our girl is suffering. She has been mixing with a lot of low campsite dogs and many have left her with souvenir fleas.
The treatment here is awful, soaking her down, rubbing her hair the wrong way and spraying her with a foul smelling gunk that makes even us gag. She is so wretched and miserable we have to let her on the bed where she snuggles in the whole night. Sorry Molls.


  1. Ahhhhhh she is so adorable. She's begging not to be defleaed ever ever again!

