Wednesday 5 May 2010

Day 30

Day 30; Thursday 29th April.

Running short of supplies and with half an eye out for a supermarket, a tour along the Lakeshore brings us to the small town of Garda. A delightfully situated harbour backed by soaring mountains and lined with restaurants and Hotels.
Stop for lunch and soak up the atmosphere.
Then wander along and re couperate from lunch with an ice cream and coffee (Italian coffee is devine) at another establishment.
With Andys injury we are still experiencing life at a limps pace, the same as most of the old dears strolling along.
OK, all very pretty and that, but I have to say meandering is not all its cracked up to be. I am bored out of my brain.
A whole day and I’ve achieved nothing to justify my existence on this planet. Perhaps I need to fine tune my relaxation vibe or wake up to the realization; I’m just not one of life’s idlers. There’s no pleasing some folk.

Not A Happy Face.


  1. Beautiful scenery! Now if you play nicely with the locals or other tourists, someone might actually take a photo of ALL 3 of you. Blimey is it too much to ask to have you all in the same photo!!!? Looking forward to when you're ready to come home, Gosport's not the same without you! Much love Fi xx

  2. The top photo reminds me of a harbour on one of the Croatian Islands. Lots of Croatia (well the Dalmation coast) was once ruled by the Venetians (did you know that?) so that is not so ludicrous as it might sound!

    A bit of meandering does a soul good. Too much kulture will give you CO (cultural overload) and you are only limbering up at the moment. Now I am no Italian expert but Rome, Pisa, Pompei etc. there is much more to come and you need to get into cultural training.


    ps Now I know it does not compare, but off to London for the weekend and planning to do the Chris Ofili before it closes later this month, the Henry Moore and the Quilt exhibition at the V & A. So - while not the kultural pros that you are becoming, trying to be the competent amateur!
