Tuesday 11 May 2010

Day 38

Day 38. Friday 7th May.

The smell in wang has become intolerable, the soaking carpet is living a double life as a fungus farm, the wet dog looks as though she belongs to Wurzell Gummage and we are wetter than as Otter’s pocket.
Every day in every way everything was just getting a little more wet.
So we flee Tuscany and head south to Latzio and Roma, we will just have to catch up on our way home.
The drive south was promising, lots of breaks in the clouds and flashes of sunshine. By the time we hit the Roma rush hour it was damp and miserable and yes RAINING.
Italian driving, don’t get me started, its never the main event it is in the Uk. Its something they do while they have a fag, fix their hair, or chat on the phone and all the while gesticulating like they have an invisible orchestra to conduct. Lanes exist to be ignored; indicators lie idle while they weave about like midges on a loch side.
Anyone in front is treated as a mortal insult to his or her moral standing and you must be passed at all costs.

In a queue of traffic on a motorway someone, undertook someone else, undertaking us, on the hard shoulder!.
The site in Rome, on a bend in the river Tiber was lovely and very well shaded by mature trees.
Great restaurant with generous portions of good food, we will return. Just like the Rain, Rain, Rain.


  1. ah bless all that rain, can't be much fun. I have this impression of Molly though being very very happy with all this adventure, and of course mud, and her getting up in the morning with a spring in her step and her owners going NO MORE PLEASE NO MORE RAIN!

    It looks like its just me and Hils have got the hang of the posting comments but don't feel its just us two following you, there are many others but no one else as daft as us publishing our thoughts for infinity!

    Hi Hils hope to see you and Gazza soon and for that coffee this weekend!


  2. That is not a happy face!

    Glad to see Molly posing for a photo!

  3. I have just seen the photo with this entry on the blog I missed it before. Oh Rob that is not a happy face!
